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Humans have designed robots for making our tasks easier and simpler. These robots have been used in factories and even at homes as they can work tirelessly everyday and every time and that too without the need of money and food. Till now, no one has ever developed a robot that has the basic human emotions like crying, singing, laughing, dancing, affectionate, angriness, and so on. Of course, we have seen such robots in movies (Bicentennial Man). but in real life…not a chance!!
But, recently, some technicians at the National University of Singapore developed a  robot prototype called Lovotics that can express all these feelings. This robot has the ability to love and to be loved by humans. To develop such a machine, all they did was create a new robot with human behaviour by adding all humanly similar biological and emotional tools.
This may sound complicated, but all the complex hormones that are responsible for a human to get emotions and feelings are given to the robot. These artificial hormones include dopamine, serotonine, oxytocin and endorphin. Apart from these hormones, artificial intelligence process was also conducted to pass on brain signals using MRI scans so that the robots get a better idea on when to react for any kind of emotion.
The robot is taught well to interact with other humans and create emotions like laughter and many more at the right moment, according to the behaviour of the human it is interacting with. During this interaction, touching another analog to affectionate human interaction is very important. .
Just like any other robot, this one will also have the basic structural materials like a a processor with controller and wireless board, a flexible structure, batteries, touch sensors, microphones, an omni-directional base, servo motors, speakers and also LED’s.
A detailed explanation of the basic structure of Lovtics is given in the video below. The comparison between human-ti-human-behaviour and Lovotics-to-human behaviour is well descripted.

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Thermometer using 8051.

This article is about a simple 0-100°C digital thermometer with 1°C resolution using 8051. The circuit is based on LM35 analog temperature sensor, ADC0804 and AT89S51 microcontroller. LM35 is an analogue temperature sensor IC which can measure a temperature range of -55 to 150°C. Its output voltage varies 10mV per °C change in temperature.

For example, if the temperature is 32°C, the output voltage will be 32 x 10mV = 320mV. ADC 0804 is used to convert the analogue output voltage of the LM35  to a proportional 8 bit digital value suitable for the microcontroller. The microcontroller accepts the output of ADC, performs necessary manipulations on it and displays it numerically on a 2 digit seven segment LED display.

Out put of the LM35 is connected to the +Vin (pin 6) of the ADC0804. Resistor R13 and preset R14 is used to provide an external reference voltage of 1.28V to the Vref/2 pin  ( pin 9) of the ADC0804 and with this reference voltage, the step size of the ADC will be 10mV and span will be 0-1 V. This means that for a 10mV input the digital out of ADC will be 1 (1 in decimal also), for 20mV it will be 10 (2 in decimal), for 30mV it will be 11 (3 in decimal) and so on. The microcontroller accepts this data and puts it on the seven segment display.

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