EIE seminars,latest seminars for electronics and insrumentation engineering


ABSTRACT: If u want to see & enjoy the world from your desk, virtual instrumentation(VI) is there for you, from real action gaming experience to the feeling of travelling in space, everything is possible by virtual  instrumentation . If  you  have Virtual  bug  in your mind, clear it now.
what is virtual ?
1.  It is here & we can see it                                REAL
2.  It is here  but we cann’t see it                        TRANSPARENT
3.  It is not here but we can see it                        VIRTUAL 
                       Virtual instrumentation sets a new standard in measurement by replacing benchtop instruments.  It uses software like NI labview and hardware like PCI modules for data acquisition, instrument control and automation.  VIs constructed with software are inexpensive, more accurate, maintenance free, can sense different physical quantities offering any range, compared to physical instruments. VIs works fast, handles repetitive tasks, processes data, stores results, generates reports, increases test safety and is controllable by the user.  It saves time, money and increases productivity, customizability eg. Same code can be reused for testing similar instruments.  For any lab instead of buying individual instruments, VI can be employed in a computer for all measurements.  
As our part using  labview                                                        
1.    Proved Ohm's law, Kirchoff's current, voltage law and Thevenin, Norton theorems. We constructed the circuit in LabVIEW, interfaced with external circuit, tested and verified it with manual calculations.  It would serve as a learning tool for beginners.
2.    Demonstrated noise reduction using filters.   
3.   a multifunctional  meter  designed and developed using VI

 What is virtual instrumentation?
Virtual instrumentation is a revolutionary concept that has changed the way engineers and scientists approach measurement and automation. VI means measurement without physical devices. VI is brought through easy-to-integrate software, such as the NI LabVIEW graphical development environment, and modular hardware, such as PCI modules. It is widely used for data acquisition and instrument control. VIs are viewable but not touchable i.e. no physical existence but performance is like a real instrument. It makes the computer and hardware to work for our wish.  The basic requirements of VIs are a computer, a data acquisition card and software that supports it.  The physical quantity to be measured is converted into an electrical quantity which is given to a channel input of the DAQ card e.g. a PCI module. The DAQ card is connected with the motherboard of the computer. . A vi can also send its output through the card to control external instruments.