In this paper a generalized algorithm has been developed to find the shortest path in a transmission line network. The selected network or graph for the proposed algorithm has the ability to traverse a network or graph with any complex structures, with any number of nodes and with any number of paths this algorithm has been developed by considering the source node as the starting node and designation node as the end node.
Dijikstras’s algorithm is used to find the closest node from the source node. The proposed software is developed, tested and verified with an example. The problem of finding efficient routing algorithm has been a fundamental area, in the field of a transmission line network. Routing is the act of transform the power from source to destination.
Routing in network involves two basic activities
- Determining optimal routing paths and
- Transporting power from through an inter network.
An ideal routing algorithm should strive to find the optimal path for power transmission within a least transmission cost so as to satisfy the customers demand for a fast service. The optimality attributes which usually implies an efficient use of the network resources so as to optimize a selected performance measures such as network through put.
This paper focuses on the minimum short path routing where the goal is to minimize the weight of the traveling path and reduces the investment cost on transmission line.